Friday, June 15, 2012

Night run

After work today a couple of bottles of champagne mysteriously appeared, so I went up to the roof of the office to help drink them. We're not blessed with champagne flutes, so I had a teacup full of fizzy wine and then remembered that it was time to go home for a run.

I went home and fell asleep on the floor; dodging breakfast to fulfil my blood test, plus never properly catching up on sleep this week, plus a strangely shaped container's worth of booze meant I was in no condition for anything.

Eventually my wife peeled me off the floor and we went out for some exercise. Although I've moaned about how flat Singapore is, there's actually a hill right near our flat. Cryptically, it's been concealed by the sign on the road leading to it - Pearls Hill Terrace indeed! There wasn't a single pearl to be seen.

For such a flat place, the hill was surprisingly steep: a grinding series of steps to the reservoir at the top. Not a very big hill, but there's a good undulating loop at the top of maybe 400 yards or so, which I scampered round until I caught up with my wife, before walking home, and sweating some more.

I only did 2 km today because I'm lazy and I'm knackered, but if I'm feeling strong on my long weekend runs, I might finish them off with a quick run up Pearls Hill (and then really regret it the next day). I'm going to try to run every day for the next 100 days (mainly because I want to win a badge on Smashrun) - which will inevitably lead to running through Narita airport on my hellish 28 hour commute from Seattle to Singapore later in the year. And so it goes...


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